• VERTIX 2 快挂扣

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Product banner showcasing a COROS VERTIX 2 Carabiner that is attached to a backpack and holding a COROS VERTIX 2 Obsidian watch.

专为户外攀岩场景打造的全新一代 VERTIX 2 快挂扣,可将手表挂在腰间,解放双手,不影响手腕动作,攀岩更灵活。运动过程中,挂于腰间的手表依然可以全面记录攀岩轨迹、高度、冲坠等运动数据。搭配额外的心率监测设备,还能记录下运动过程中的心率表现。

An image of a climber on a cliff with a COROS VERTIX 2 Carabiner attached to the waistband.


非国际登山联合会认证的攀登安全设备。 不适用于监测基于动作识别的运动数据,如步频、跳绳计数、力量训练计数等。
A series of close-up images showcasing the trigger lock and release trigger of a COROS VERTIX 2 Carabiner. A close-up image of a female climber reading the data screen from a COROS VERTIX 2 Lava watch which is secured in a COROS VERTIX 2 Carabiner on the waistband. An image of a hiker wearing a backpack that has a COROS VERTIX 2 Carabiner attached.